THE INTRO EP. 34: a new chapter for team carleen - carleen mathews


july 27, 2021   |   Hosted by Matt DellaValle


Carleen Mathews is 3-time CF Games veteran athlete, the owner of CF St. Helens, a new mom, and someone who is passionate about helping those in need through the transformative power of fitness.

In this episode, MDV and Carleen dive into a side a of the CF Games and Games training that no one sees -- the pressures of performance, dangers of comparison, and the role of social media. The episode also covers Carleen's pregnancy, training pre and post baby, and her work with the veteran and substance abuse communities. Grab a notebook, grab a chair, and let's learn a thing or two from Carleen Mathews.

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"Everyone wants to be the Games Athlete until they find out what the Games Athlete has to do. It's not all unicorns and rainbows. This is a full-time job."


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Matt DellaValle

Matt DellaValle aka “MDV” is Chief Fitness Officer at NCFIT. All about coaching, hustle, black coffee, and American Traditional tattoos. Follow MDV.


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