Staying on track...on the go!

august 9, 2021   |   WORDS BY ryan blackwell

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It’s Summer time here in the U.S.A and that means travelling, vacations, visiting friends and family, but most prominently is the change in routine during these times! This change in routine can be anything from being in a different time zone, staying in a hotel or a friends house, not having access to your gym (or a gym at all!) and being on a new schedule! All of these variables can throw a wrench into your gears when it comes to getting your workout in and to top it off, our nutrition can easily take a hit as well when we tend to eat out or snack!

Below are my 3 tips for staying on track when you’re on the road this Summer!

1. Pack the workout clothes/shoes! 

  • This one may be a no-brainer for my fellow athleisure enthusiasts, but just like a pair of boardshorts, my travel bag is never without my running shoes and some different workout-fits! 

  • Just seeing the shoes in the bag is reason enough to lace them up and take even a short run!

2. Move Early, Move Often!

  • When I’m at home, I tend to be a midday or evening workout person but that just doesn’t fly when I'm on vacation or traveling. Something always comes up or there are plans made during these times and nobody wants to be that person that leaves a family event to go to the gym! 

  • When I’m on the road, it’s important for me to get a quick workout in order to get my blood moving, brain working, and start my day off on the right foot. This may be a 20:00 jog or a bodyweight workout on the hotel room floor (I always lay a couple of towels down for this part). One of my favorite ways to move often is hitting a set of 100 Air Squats while the car is filling up at a gas station during a road trip! I may look silly, but I just feel better and who knows, I may encourage someone watching to do some as well!

3. Prioritize Protein

  • It’s not always possible on the road to have your 3 meals a day weighed, measured, and prepared in labeled Tupperware. In this case, prioritize your protein and limit the sugar intake. 

  • This doesn’t mean not enjoying yourself, what it means is meet the most important factor of your nutrition first before indulging (in a reasonable capacity). 

These are just a couple of practices that help me when I am on the go. Let us know some of yours on our social media channels! Happy Summer!


"One of my favorite ways to move often is hitting a set of 100 Air Squats while the car is filling up at a gas station during a road trip!"


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Ryan Blackwell

Ryan started as an Athlete and as my passion grew so did my continued desire to make a change in peoples’ lives.

Worked his way through our Internship - Earned a Part-Time, Earned a Full Time!

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