Murph Prep, Week 1: Don’t Fail to Prepare

May 4, 2022   |   Words by Gabe Yanez


If you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail.

Maybe you’re planning to do the Murph Hero Workout at the end of the month. Maybe you aren’t. Maybe you aren’t even sure what Murph is.

Either way, there’s a lesson to be learned over the next four weeks as we build up and prepare to hit this hero workout as part of our NCMETCON track on Memorial Day.

If you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail. It’s a saying you’ve probably heard time and time again, and that’s because it’s true.

Whether we’re talking about an athlete trying to excel at a particular test or any person trying to shine in any facet of their life, preparation is key.

Are you willing to dedicate the next four weeks to preparing for Murph or another feat of fitness? Will you use this workout as a proxy goal for improving some of the habits you’ve been trying to improve all year?

If you eat better, sleep better, work out consistently, and hydrate appropriately over the next month, you’ll inevitably exceed all expectations when it comes to how you perform this workout on May 30.

More importantly, you’ll exceed all expectations on how better you can feel in just under one month.


Below are your two sessions of extra prep work for this week. However, let’s make this month about more than just preparing for a hero workout; let’s use it to springboard into a strong rest of the year!

Day 1

Conditioning: 4 Sets*

400m Run

Rest 1:30 between sets.

(No measure.)

*Goal is to mirror the splits for all four efforts at 75-80% effort. Simply getting our feet underneath us and logging a mile on the road. We will be running 2x a week in prep for Murph.

Strength: EMOM x 15 Minutes*

Min. 1: 12-15 Ring Rows or 5-7 Strict Pull-Ups
Min. 2: 10 Push-Ups**
Min. 3: 20-30 Air Squats

*Simple volume-building EMOM. The goal is to build volume across the five rounds without burdening the body all at once.

**Option to complete Knee Push-Ups or option to increase reps by two every other round.

Day 2

Conditioning + Strength: 6 Sets*

300m Run 
5 Pull-Ups 
10 Push-Ups 
15 Air Squats

Rest 1:00 between sets.

*Hold consistent pace on all six runs, faster than your 400m pace from earlier this week. Intentional, crisp movement on all of the bodyweight movements. Try to accomplish unbroken if possible.


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Gabe Yanez

Gabe Yanez is a coach, athlete, and health nut. He is also Director of Sales and Marketing for NCFIT.

Follow Gabe.


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