My Go-To Warm Up for a Push Jerk

May 5, 2022   |   Words by Colleen Fleming


Rumor has it you’ll actually lift better if you stretch. Whaaaaat?! I know, shocking.

Anyhow, let’s get ready to Push Jerk!

Here’s my go-to warm-up. And before you say it, YES, you need to get your heart rate up before lifting. A little cardio won’t kill you — elevate and celebrate!

1. Start Off Slow

Ease into your warm-up with this set:

2. Kick It Up a Little Bit

Now that you’re getting into the swing of things, it’s time to step it up with this set:

3. Finish It Off

Now that your body and muscles are feeling a little more primed, it’s time to bring it home to get ready for the main event.

It might not look fancy, but the Push Jerk is an awesome lift and comes up a lot in the sport of fitness. Make sure you warm up properly before you lift some big weights.


“It might not look fancy, but the Push Jerk is an awesome lift and comes up a lot in the sport of fitness. Make sure you warm up properly before you lift some big weights.”


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