5 Reasons To Try a CrossFit Competition

December 13, 2021   |   Words by Matt Johnson


This list is for those people out there on the fence or thinking about any type of competition, whether that be a fitness competition or running an official 5K/10K/Half Marathon, or more!

There are so many benefits to challenging yourself against others, as well as challenging yourself. Below are a few reasons to give a competition a try.

  1. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
    We all know that our bodies and minds adapt through challenging endeavors. This one’s tough, but so are you, so give it a try! Don’t listen to that voice in your head saying, “ou’re not good enough” or “You’re not training to be the best in the world at this sport.” Who cares?!

  2. Give Yourself a “Game Day” to Train For
    If you’ve found yourself in a rut in your training, having a day circled on the calendar that you’re looking forward to can add an extra edge to your workouts.

  3. Community
    Whether you choose to do a competition with friends or by yourself, the excitement of the day becomes contagious to talk about with your teammates or fellow competitors. When it comes to the “Game Day,” once the friendly competition is over, there’s a great bonding experience with everyone that competes with you, similar to the community at your home gym!

  4. Test Yourself
    You’ll unlock something inside of you that gets you to push a little harder, run farther than you ever have, and lift heavier than you thought you could!

  5. Have Fun!
    This is the most important one! Don’t take your first competition too seriously. People don’t run their first 5K and expect to break the world record. Give yourself some grace and find the joy in the competition first.

Now get out there, find something that you’re into like a fitness or long distance competition, and sign up ASAP.


“You’ll unlock something inside of you that gets you to push a little harder, run farther than you ever have, and lift heavier than you thought you could!”


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Matt Johnson

Matt is a coach, athlete, and lover of lifting all things heavy.

When he isn’t chasing his daughters around Matt also authors the NCMETCON program.

Follow Matt.


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