



November left everyone stuffed with fitness, and we definitely got fitter because of it! We finished off our last strength cycle, testing the Back Squat, Deadlift, and Push Press.

That landed the week of Veteran’s Day, so we also paid homage to all those who served by completing the Hero Workout Chad.

The NCFIT Liftoff was a fun way to spend the first 3 Fridays of November lifting heavy and taking time to focus on lifting rather than the conditioning for the day. We had not two, but THREE Thanksgiving-themed workouts to ensure that everyone got a little taste of the holiday and to help burn off some of that Turkey!

It was a packed month and as we transition to the final month of the year the priority will be to keep things fun, and to also start prepping for next year’s training!

As December begins, we are looking at a month full of GGP lifting and weeks that are VERY varied! We want to make the last month of the year fun to get everyone excited for the holidays AND the 2025 training year that is quickly approaching!

You will see plenty of opportunities to lift, classic Crossfit workouts, and some fun new and old named workouts to take us to the end of 2024.

We have 3 Christmas-themed workouts coming your way, and similar to Thanksgiving, they will be the day before, the day of, and the day after Christmas, so everyone has an opportunity to tackle at least one of these fun workouts!

We will have 2 New Year's workouts, too, to help get you ready to ring in 2025! Let’s keep getting after our training this final month and hit the ground running in January!   


NCFIT Workout Weekly December Commitments 

  • (1x/ Week) Workout of the Week or Benchmark/ Classic workout 

  • (1x/ Week) Optional Partner Workout  

  • 1x Hero Workout  

  • 3 Holiday Themed Workouts 

  • 2 New Years Themed Workouts 



In November we continued on our Thruster cycle. These reps we pulled from the floor and saw more Squat cleans and Cluster style lifts. We finally wrapped up this cycle building up to the 1RM Thruster. We also have been seeing more Thrusters in workouts and put that capacity to the test with a grueling workout, Kalsu! Thrusters were not the only barbell work we saw. We saw more Power Snatches, Cleans and Clean and Jerk. Lastly, we continued to work the Handstand Walk, with the goal of improving our walking under fatigue. Here are some of the highlights from last month’s COMPETE programming…


  • Tests → 1RM Thruster, Kalsu,

  • Focuses → Thruster Strength and Thruster capacity, Gymanstics

  • Skill Development → Gymnastics (Handstand Walking, Muscle Up)


December is here, and we are wrapping up our final month of the 2024 year. We’ve come a long way, hit a lot of PRs, and built a lot of fitness.

As we close out the year, we should take this time to reflect on our strengths as well as areas of improvement and use this reflection to create new goals for ourselves for the coming new year.

As for our programming, we will focus on intensity and skill work. It’s time to really put the pedal to the medal in our metcons. We will hit different combos of couplets involving machines, barbells, and gymnastics.

Expect to see a lot of fast cycling with the Thruster Snatch and Clean. And finally, we will continue to hit Open, Quarterfinal, and Saturday throwdown workouts to prep for our upcoming season. Here are our COMPETE goals for our final month of the year…



  • (1x/week) Thruster Strength Cycle (cont.)

  • (1-2x/week) Gymnastic Focus and Barbell Cycling

  • (1x/week) Open/Quarter Final Workouts

  • (1x/week) Saturday Throwdowns



It’s the final month of the year, and this final 6-week cycle for FLEX is the perfect way to FINISH THIS YEAR STRONG. To recap, we have spent the entire year alternating back and forth between accumulation (volume for hypertrophy) and intensification (loading for strength) cycles to optimize for major GAINS!

For December, we are going ALL IN for the final intensification cycle of the year so that we can take all those extra holiday calories and turn them into strength and muscle!

In November, we started this cycle and got three for the first 3 weeks. We kicked things off with two weeks of 5x5 in the Bench Press, Weighted Pull-up, Front Squat, and Deadlift, and then took a more aggressive jump for our first week of 6x4.

Again, the goal of this cycle is to hit 24-25 tough, quality reps using different rep schemes in these big compound movements and add weight week after week to make some major gains before testing 3RMs in the final week of the year.

This month, you will see one final week of 6x4 and then two weeks of 8x3 before testing and reaping the benefits of all that hard work.

For the BODYBUILDING sections, we will continue to hit some high-volume sets. We are rotating through some crowd favorites from earlier this year and adding new EMOM formats that will probably play a bigger role in the programming come 2025.

This has been such a fun year of FLEX. Let’s FINISH STRONG!


FLEX Final Strength Cycle of 2024 

Bench Press, Weighted Pull-up, Front Squat, Deadlift

  • Week of 11/11: 5x5 

  • Week of 11/18: 5x5 

  • Week of 11/25: 6x4 

  • Week of 12/2: 6x4

  • Week of 12/9: 8x3

  • Week of 12/16: 8x3

  • Week of 12/23: 3RM Tests 

Matt DellaValle

Matt DellaValle aka “MDV” is Chief Fitness Officer at NCFIT. All about coaching, hustle, black coffee, and American Traditional tattoos. Follow MDV.

