Don’t Be Afraid to Adjust

November 22, 2021   |   WORDS BY RYAN BLACKWELL


Perhaps an unpopular opinion (but a more beneficial one in the long run): You should adjust your workouts far more often than you think.

Sure, hitting the numbers written on the board is awesome. And every once in a while, it’s also great to go full steam ahead in the workout and get your butt kicked. However, this shouldn’t be a thing for every single workout you do.

Deciding when to make the jump to adjusting your workouts can be tricky. It may seem as simple as modifying a weight or rep scheme you know you can do, but there may be some other factors in play that you might not be aware of. Below are some steps to help you evaluate when you should adjust your workout.

  1. Listen to the Coach.
    At the start of the class, the coach will give an exact breakdown of what is needed in order to be successful in the workout. One of the best things you can do is listen intently, as it’s in those five minutes that the most valuable points will be said. The coach will cover the number of sets to complete the work in, expectation of time domain at certain movements, general weight expectations, and so much more. While the coach is speaking, focus on each individual aspect of the workout and not what you think you want to do. After the coach has gone through the brief and you begin to warm up, then you can formulate an internal thought of what you might want to do. Each piece is paramount to your success.

  2. Listen to Your Body.
    During the warm-up/teaching portion, you can start to see how you’re moving. Is there any lingering tightness? Are you a bit more sore than you thought you would be in certain areas? Did you sleep or eat enough? Are you stressed from outside factors? All of these variables can make a huge difference to what weight or level of relative intensity you should allow. Be smart! If you’re feeling beat, just move and go harder another day.

  3. Ask Your Coach!
    If after the brief, warm-up and teaching portions, you’re still second guessing, then ask your coach. They are there to help you! Sometimes it’s nice to get a little reassurance of what you think you should do. Along with that, the coach should know your movement capacity and strength based on previous classes or even prep towards the actual workout. The coach will always lead you to the path of success!

Use the three opportunities above to help evaluate when you should adjust your workout. Remember, it’s completely okay to modify your workout — everyone does it! I love adjusting my workouts when I can, as it gives me a good opportunity to test other things. The key is to be smart and have fun! We get to work out and should make the most of it, and adjusting your workout will only benefit you in the long run.


Remember, it’s completely okay to modify your workout — everyone does it! I love adjusting my workouts when I can, as it gives me a good opportunity to test other things. The key is to be smart and have fun!


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Ryan Blackwell

Ryan started as an Athlete and as my passion grew so did my continued desire to make a change in peoples’ lives.

Worked his way through our Internship - Earned a Part-Time, Earned a Full Time!

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