Murph Prep, Week 2: Have a Plan. Follow the Plan.

May 11, 2022   |   Words by Gabe Yanez



Whether you’re preparing for a specific workout like Murph or just training to feel and look your best, it’s important to have a plan.

A plan gives you structure, and structure holds you accountable.

We all have different health and fitness goals we’re working towards. If you approach those goals without any structure, how will you measure your progress? How will you know if you’re taking steps in the right direction?

This is why everyone can benefit from having a plan.

But remember, a plan is only as good as how well you stick to it.


Speaking of having a plan, we’re coming up on Week 2 of our four-week Murph prep program. In case you missed Week 1, you can catch that write-up here.

This month of Murph prep can serve as a lot more than just a training plan for an upcoming hero workout; let’s use this month to springboard into a strong and consistent rest of the year!

Below are your two sessions of extra prep work for this week. Make sure to prioritize your quality of sleep over the next seven days as well.

Use the momentum and structure of Murph prep this month to stack on some additional healthy habits that will not only help you with this one workout, but will also help you feel and look your best as we head into the summer months!!

Day 1

Conditioning: 3 Sets*

800m Run

Rest 2:00 between sets.

(No measure)

*Similar idea to last week’s runs. We’re going a little longer with distance, but pacing should still be 75-80%. Think of each 800m as back-to-back 400m efforts. The goal is to finish your second 400m slightly faster than your first.

Strength: For Quality*

50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups**
150 Air Squats

(No measure)

*Partition any way to complete all 300 reps.

**Option to complete Knee Push-Ups or Push-Up to a Box.

***This is half the volume of what you’ll see for Murph. Two goals for today: Continue building volume towards the full 100-200-300, and come up with a strategy of breaking these movements up.

Day 2

Conditioning + Strength

800m Run

… into …

10 Rounds of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squat

… into …

800m Run

(No measure)

*Earlier this week, we saw 1.5 miles of running and half the volume of our bodyweight movements for Murph. Today, we put those two together to tackle “Half Murph.” This is meant to begin dipping the toes into the volume pool and get a feel for how the combo of everything will tax the body. The goal is to keep your 800m runs a bit faster than earlier this week and to time your rounds of BW movements to get a rough estimate of fade and how long another 10 rounds would potentially take.


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Gabe Yanez

Gabe Yanez is a coach, athlete, and health nut. He is also Director of Sales and Marketing for NCFIT.

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