Murph Prep, Week 3: It’s Never Too Late

May 18, 2022   |   Words by Gabe Yanez


Better Late Than Never

And just like that, we’re at Week 3 of our four-week Murph prep series for this month.

If you’ve been sticking to your plan and doing the extra prep work, you’re probably feeling good as we get closer to Memorial Day.

However, the opposite may be true for you. Maybe you’ve been meaning to take advantage of the extra prep work this month but life has gotten in the way, so you haven’t been as consistent as you’d like.

We all have goals that we’re working towards. Whether those goals have anything to do with an upcoming hero workout or not, it can be hard to find consistency when life throws you a curveball.

So what’s the best thing you can do if you realize that you’ve been falling short on how you approach your health and fitness goals?

Start by doing a little bit more today because it’s never too late to get started. So, if you’re using Murph as an extra bit of motivation to get you going — and even if you’re not — aim for consistency and a little improvement this week because the best time to start was yesterday, and the next best time to start is today.


If you’ve missed the first two weeks of our Murph Prep series and want to go back and revisit those write-ups, you can find links to those blog posts below:

For this week of Murph prep, your two days of additional work are below. This week comes with an additional challenge.

Whether you’ve stuck to the plan for the first half of the month or not, this is the week where the goal is to do a little extra.

Find an area that will move you closer to your health and fitness goals and add that to your prep for this week. Maybe that means working on your hydration this week, prioritizing a good bedtime routine to get the best quality of sleep, or cutting out all junk from your diet for the entire week.

Pick one thing, commit, and make it happen.

Let’s make Murph prep a month that prepares us for more than just a single workout.

Day 1


1 Mile Run (Rest 2:30)

… into …

800m Run (Rest 2:00)

… into …

400m Run (Rest 1:00)

… into …

200m Run

(No measure)

*Just under two miles of running, so we’re basically at Murph volume! Try to keep a consistent effort/pace through each distance. Main focus is the 1-mile run and ensuring you can almost fully recover in that 2:30 rest window. Focus on nasal breathing to lower the heart rate to hit the next run with some aggression.


EMOM x 12 Minutes
Minute 1 — :30 Max Pull-Ups
Minute 2 — :30 Max Push-Ups
Minute 3 — :30 Max Air Squats

(No measure)

*The goal is to find a movement adjustment that only forces one break in the :30 window. If proficient with these movements, this will be good volume work still aiming for no more than one break. On Air Squats, complete odd rounds at a controlled, steady pace, and the even rounds at a faster pace, still ensuring full range of movement.

Day 2

Conditioning + Strength

800m Run

... into ...

Athlete's Choice (Pick One) 
10 Pull-Ups 
20 Push-Ups 
30 Air Squats


5 Pull-Ups 
10 Push-Ups 
15 Air Squats

... into ...

800m Run

(No measure)

*Similar to what we saw at the end of last week, but with a bit more volume. If you’re a bodyweight ninja, try to work the bigger sets of 10-20-30 and see if you can maintain consistent rounds. If last week was tough, stick to the smaller rounds of 5-10-15 and still focus on keeping rounds around 1:00-1:30.


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Gabe Yanez

Gabe Yanez is a coach, athlete, and health nut. He is also Director of Sales and Marketing for NCFIT.

Follow Gabe.


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