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Why Do You Need CLP: Coach Like A Prp?
Why you (and…your COACHES) need to sign-up for COACH LIKE A PRO.
Knowing Your Role as a CrossFit Coach
When you’re actively taking class (which I hope you do), just be a member. Leave your coaching hat at the door, in your locker, in your car, or wherever you can to just let yourself be. Understand that I’m not saying to not be yourself, just reign it in when necessary. Don’t add obstacles to the already controlled chaos that is a fitness class.
If you’re a coach that has had to deal with situations like this, I truly hope you have created a relationship with your coaching staff to be able to have conversations with them. I’m lucky enough to have that with my gym owners. No matter how minor the infraction is, have the conversation. And if you’re the coach that’s on the receiving end of this conversation, put your ego aside and LISTEN! The conversation is being had only to make you better.